Thursday, December 6, 2007


Final Project

I changed my final subject regular time to my personal time.
I took a picture of my room blind window.
In this days I got little insomnia while try to sleep everyday, I looked my window during several hours, or until sunrise. While I was looking my window, I got impressed of changing color of my window blind.
I want to express my emotion about time.

I took thousands of pictures during few days every minute.
I used color pixels as a source for creating images for print.

Final images
Click the images.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Image tests

Take a picture per a minute.

Rule 1
One pixel from 1 image

Image from 1440 photos

Rule 2

Total pixel number / number of photos from one image

Image from 1440 photos

Image from 3763 photos

Image from 3000 photos

1. Cloud weather. – Couldn’t catch difference of lights.
2. Short daytime. – Half of pictures are mostly black.

What can I do?

1. Delete night images and focus on daytime: Before sunrise to after sunset.
2. Use more than 5000 images to catch changing of light.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Camera system step3

Automatic shutter system with arduino & servo motor

Take a picture every 3 second

Camera system step2

Making shutter system

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Camera system step1

This is for automatic camera system which is take a picture every one minute.

Camera shutter release mount system

Monday, November 5, 2007

Links for final project

Links for final project

=================high res-image==============;action=display;num=1159148942;action=display;num=1166021270

===============del grobal array=============;action=display;num=1191085404

===========ArrayList !!!!!!!!!!!!! with PImage=====;action=display;num=1184348735;action=display;num=1174932444

========Remove an image from memory==========;action=display;num=1167350890


==============render bitmaps===========;action=display;num=1181635522

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Final project idea.

I want to develop my midterm project.

This is plan.

Makeing camera system for image sourse. Hacking camera shutter release system.
Select one day and take a pictur per a minute.
Total number of photoes is 1440.
Use 1pixel from one photo,
Make a big image and print.

1. Loading high resolution image – out of memory error
> Increase memory.
2. Use 1440 picture – out of memory error
> Use arrayList and remove function???
3. Make a big image.
> Make small images and then stich together.
> Use Pgraphics function???

Wednesday, October 24, 2007



I want to talk about regular time, just a normal day.
We wake up everyday morning at similar time and go to school, eat, come back home and sleep.
Sun rise and Sun set everyday.
Normal day is not so important but it is also one of our lives.
I want to show one day to one screen.

I took 40 pictures at same place but different time.
The rule is so simple. First pixel is from first photo, second pixel is from second photo.
Ideal idea is one pixel is from just one picture, but at this time, I used 40 pictures for start.
I found some interesting points. Using limited photos make lines or pattern at screen because 40 pixels repeated. If I bring the pixels at randomly, I can see the scene not noise. For example, sky have its own blue black tone, mountain have its own green tone. It looks like a kind of drawing.

For large project, I have to take thousands of pictures for large image.
I think it would be better if I control each pixel by some interactions.



Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Create a Processing sketch that uses input from a text file or URL

Texture using EEG data

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Saturday, September 22, 2007



Modularity: Functions and Objects

Combination of beatiful rects

Monday, September 17, 2007


Homework: Create a dynamic application. You can continue to elaborate on last week's assignment or you can create something new. For example, develop a set of rules for moving it around the screen, have it grow and shrink, change colors, etc.


Cowork with Scott

no mouse interaction

Monday, September 10, 2007

week 1

week1 / Homework:

Create your own screen drawing, using only 2D primitive shapes

– arc(), curve(), ellipse(), line(), point(), quad(), rect(), triangle()

– and basic color functions – background(), colorMode(), fill(), noFill(), noStroke(), stroke().

Remember to use size() to specify the dimensions of your window.

*Sleepy pola bear*

no interaction

Sunday, September 9, 2007


This is Sunghun's blog for ICM / ITP / 2007 fall